Composite Deck Cleaner - FAQ
Can I purchase the Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer in my local hardware store?
No, you will not find the Composite Deck Cleaner and Enhancer on any store shelf. It is made fresh and shipped to customers right before they are ready to use it. This product begins to lose its potency after 30 days upon delivery to a residence. If conditions are not optimal for immediate use, this product should be stored in a very cool and dry place. If you would like to place an order please do not hesitate to call the office or order through our website.
Will the Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer lighten the color of my deck?
Yes, this product contains a special bleach which is necessary to kill the mold that is sometimes prevalent on composite decks. For almost all decking colors the difference is minimal. However, if you do own a red shade of decking, you may need to deviate from our application instructions. We recommend diluting our cleaner by 50% and utilizing a test patch to check the results. You may also speak with one of our customer service representatives for more information. 1-800-831-4963
I cleaned my deck and have left over product, can I use it to clean any other surfaces?
Yes, you may apply it to concrete, brick or stone to get rid of mold, mildew and dirt. We recommend always applying to a test patch first to make sure you will achieve your desired results. We do not recommend using this product in enclosed areas without proper ventilation.
Will the Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer harm the plants and vegetation around my composite decking?
We suggest covering plants/vegetation with plastic or something along those lines. However, if you do get the cleaner on anything you are unsure about, rinse thoroughly.
Will mixing bleach and laundry detergents clean my deck?
No, mixing bleach and laundry detergents will not clean your deck. The detergents used in our product were designed with composite decks in mind. In fact the mixture of the two could result in a harmful mixture not only to you, but to animals and plants as well.
How many gallons of Cleaner will I need to treat my Composite Deck?
You will need 1 gallon of cleaner for every 100 square feet of decking and 1 gallon for every 20 linear feet of railing. Please note that these guidlines do include all the applications of the product that are listed in our step by step directions.
Can I use straight bleach to clean my deck?
Household bleach alone does not have the power to clean a composite deck. The use of our special detergents along with an industrial grade bleach provides the power needed to clean composite decks.
Why not just use soap to clean my deck?
Soap alone does not have the power to kill the mold and mildew that stain composite decks.
How long will my deck remain clean after using Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer?
There are many factors that come into play with the growth of mold and therefore we cannot guarantee a mold free deck for a set period of time. To obtain optimal results you must use the Composite Deck Cleaner and Enhancer within 30 days of purchase and it must be stored in a very cool, dry place because it is sensitive to heat and light.
What are the reasons that my Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer might go bad and what would I expect to see?
This is a rare occurence but there are a few factors that may cause our Composite Deck Cleaner to spoil. Our Composite Deck Cleaner is not made to tolerate prolonged exposure to heat. So as you can imagine many scenarios may arise from the time that our cleaner leaves us and arrives at your home. If the cleaner is left in a delivery truck on a sunny day the heat inside the truck may start to break down the chemical. Also, if the package containing the cleaner is left out in the sun for a prolonged period of time that will also cause the chemicals to break down. If you open your chemical and it is yellow and clear, you are ready to clean. However, if you open your chemical and it is milky white or COMPLETELY clear (no tint of yellow at all), the product is not fit for use.
What do I do if I receive my Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer and it is bad?
Although rare, if you receive your cleaner and it is not usable, call our office at 814-749-9015 right away.
I'm still not completely sure of what to do. Does Expert Chemical have someone that I can talk with?
Sure, if you wish to talk to someone about the mold and mildew problem on your composite deck feel free to contact us at 814-749-9015 or via email.
Will mildew and mold return to my composite deck?
Unfortunately mold and mildew will return regularly as the effects of Mother Nature cannot be controlled. Consequently your deck will need to be cleaned periodically to get rid of the mold. Expert Chemical will not send an employee to your location to look at your decking and if any issues or questions arise, we ask that you contact us directly in the office or via email.
Can I use a sealant on my composite deck after cleaning it with the Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer?
NO! We strongly advise against putting a seal on top of your composite decking. Although your deck will look great upon completion, we can not gaurantee that the mold and mildew will not return. Due to many factors, including environmental and application, results may vary and growth may be visible within months. If you place a sealant over your composite decking, you will need to remove it (most likely by sanding) to use your Composite Deck Cleaner & Enhancer again.